Showing posts with label Rolly Gassman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rolly Gassman. Show all posts

08 December 2014

Why We Drink.

Why? It is often an excellent question, so fine in fact, I doubt we really bother to ask ourselves it all that much. I've been having a bit of a figurative toss about with the idea of 'cultural exchange'. So much so, I thought for a tasting I'd been asked to host, maybe this big eponymous 'why' question might just be an interesting way to frame the tasting. Well, it turns out I was rather wrong about it being a novel idea to frame a tasting with actually. The tone was something much more low key. But, in the spirit of interest, in the closing minutes as everyone swirled their favourite glass, I asked. "Why?"
@Rob_Gilmour has been writing for Empty for too long to mention, he is currently working in wine in Edinburgh where he runs @Wine_Edinburgh and somehow has found time to be Vice-President of the @IWSScotland. Being a balanced, multifaceted individual Rob's only interest in not wine, he is also interested in wine education as well having passed with distinction his WSET L3. If you'd like to contact him email: